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Trees in Winter

Dear Friends,

We give Gratitude as we spread warm cheer and gifts to the children. 

We want to  say "Thank you" to those of you who help us make this happen. It is through your kind generosity that we can continue to serve.

Wish to Make an end of year contribution?

In their time of crisis, we use contemporary methods combined with traditional Lakota customs, language, and ceremonies to provide comprehensive and holistic advocacy for every Wakanyeja and their Tiospaye.


We, the Oglala of the Tintatunwan Band of the Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires), come from a nation of strong leaders who live a spiritual life and who protect and provide for their Tiyospaye (extended family) way of life, especially focusing on the proper upbringing and protection of our Wakanyeja (Sacred Chilren) and their Tiwahe (families). Through historical practices of discrimination, many of our children have been taken from their Tiwahe and Tiospaye to foster homes outside of our community, causing long-term grief among the Lakota people. Others of our Wakanyeja, trapped in homes where neglect and abuse take the place of love and guidance, need our help to find a safe place to grow up.

The Oglala Lakota Children's Justice Center is unique from other child advocacy groups in the United States because we are committed to employing both contemporary and traditional Lakota practices and methods to protect and heal our Wakanyeja affected by neglect and abuse. This is the best way to teach our children how to stand strong.


We welcome you to our website and hope that you will join us in protecting the Seventh Generation and those to come.


Pilamiya Pelo (Thank you),

The Oglala Lakota Children's Justice Center team

We advocate for and protect the rights of children living on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. This is an area of 3,468 square miles and has a population of almost 40,000 people.

2 Minute Overview - Click on video to watch
Oglala Lakota Children's Justice Center is a Native led 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Your generous contributions are tax deductible.

Contact us for more information




Office Location:

303 Dakota Ave  

Pine Ridge, SD 57770


Mail Address: 

PO Box 5014

Pine Ridge, SD 57770

  • Oglala Lakota Childrens Justice Center

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