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This documentary is part of a Children’s Bureau initiative to raise awareness of Tribally engaged prevention and intervention efforts. The Center for Native Child and Family Resilience partnered with five Tribal organizations, including the Oglala Lakota Children’s Justice Center, to identify and enhance culturally based programs designed to strengthen community and family resilience in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.


"Our creation story, our culture our legends, our ceremonies all have an integral part in the orientation of our children especially as it pertains to them growing into adults.

Those are the things that we want to impart back to our children. So they at least have a concept or a thought about how they're supposed to move forward in life. That's our blueprint.

The atmospheric effect of the sweat lodge

ceremony helps to calm the spirit down from the trauma. We go in and we soothe the spirit

by using songs and stories."

Oglala Lakota Children's Justice Center is a Native led 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Your generous contributions are tax deductible.

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303 Dakota Ave  

Pine Ridge, SD 57770

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PO Box 5014

Pine Ridge, SD 57770

  • Oglala Lakota Childrens Justice Center

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